
Very informative snippet with some matte painting veterans. Superbly informative and with excellent breakdowns into the classical aspects of matte painting.

Here is a great breakdown of the short film Nuit Blanche. Some really nice matte painting and compositing work as well as a great film. Would love to collaborate on something like that.

The future of cinema?

I cant help but think the more sensory stimulation our culture drinks in the more ways the distribution scheme will look to increase its pathways into revenue. So perhaps this is the future of movies? It would certainly be enjoyable and a complementary addition to the strongly emerging world of box office 3d. Although I am sure it would be a first class date rather than just a night at the movies.


Since moving to Seattle I have found out how important it is to branch out and network. I know that digital arts and more specifically, matte painting/ background environments are used for everything from commercials to fashion photography. I have even seen it being used in stage productions as well. That being said I am looking for more ways to let my work evolve and in the process have some more steady work while diversifying my portfolio in the meantime.
In that expansion I hope to include architectural renderings, more conceptual environment design, print or advertising, social gaming or mobile app gaming, and all things in between. Perhaps even some online classes as well for those interested in matte painting.
Basically I feel the need to grow and expand.

Great Dylan Cole interview

Great CG Channel interview with Dylan Cole. Here it is.

There is a great show happening at the Gnomon Gallery in Hollywood with the work of Dylan Cole. His matte paintings are truly inspirational and I would love to see some of them myself in this large scale format.
Its great that work like this is exhibiting. It would be wonderful to see it in more galleries that exhibit to the public or large museums.
Here is a link to the exhibit and a description below. Check it out if you are in the Hollywood area.

“Civilizations: The Art of Dylan Cole
Opening Reception Saturday, November 14th 2009 from 7 PM – 11 PM

A collection of large format matte paintings by Concept Artist and Matte Painter Dylan Cole.

Artist Statement

“I have a deep fascination with epic environments and fantastical cities. I enjoy the scope and possibilities that they offer. What may start as a simple painting becomes an anthropological journey. I find myself inventing stories and customs as I add the detail that makes each of these worlds come alive.

“I often draw from existing cultures when developing my own civilizations. The detail and inventiveness of the varying cultures around the globe are far more potent than the imagination of one artist. So in drawing upon our rich history, I try to envision fantastic futures and alien pasts.”

I dont know if you have seen this movie but it has a great time lapse sequence with a camera projection. Rhino FX worked on the visual effects for this movie and there is a great article here. They even have the clips. Something like this would look awesome on anyone’s reel.

District 9

This looks to be a good film. If not well none the less I am sure we will be in for some good vfx. Love the gargantuan alien mothership. Would be proud to paint something of that nature. It is inspiring to say the least. Check it out here.